Xenoverse 2 Aura Expansion (Pride Troopers Official Release)

Hello all! This is Yami!
As many of you are aware, the Pride Troopers came to an end a several months ago. However, a kind soul by the name of RazeDevastator has made it so that the Pride Trooper Aura Expansion is now entirely standalone! This new version of the Expansion is similar to that of Azura's Aura Pack and Lazybones' New Transformations in that they can all be installed at the same time with no conflicting entries! This also means that the Expansion will now once again work as intended in your game!
Update to the above: Grinns has kindly updated the Installer that Raze created, now making it possible to uninstall the Auras with ease, as well as fixing some problems that were causing some issues with installation in the previous version!
ChaosBeat and Jackal were the original creators of this mod, and they both gave permission for Raze to package the mod in an installer. Again: ChaosBeat and Jackal were the creators of all auras in this pack, while Raze kindly packaged it into an EXE for them, further updated by Grinns. Thanks to all involved!
I've also pinned a comment left by a user all those months ago during the initial release of the mod. The video explains how to use the auras for your mods.
This mod is not to be repackaged in any way. Modders can instead use this pack for their mods as long as they credit the original authors (Jackal, ChaosBeat, RazeDevastator, and Grinns) and don't include any of the files found in this mod in their own mods. Modders should use only the numbers for the auras and post a link to this mod as requirement.
If you're interested in learning more about the modding process, please check out this server: https://discord.gg/JmtyGVj
In the above server, we teach just about everything you could want to learn! Even if you're talented, we still enjoy helpers to come in and share their knowledge if they would like to!
Below are the aura values that you will be using for the mod. Raze has also included a txt version of the list in the rar.
- 7036 - Henshin Aura, Blue (i.e. Goku, Kid Gohan, Krillin, etc.)
- 7066 - Henshin Aura, Pink (i.e. Frieza, Buu, Beerus, etc.)
- 7046 - Henshin Aura, Magenta (i.e. Piccolo, Ginyu, Hit, etc.)
- 7136 - Henshin Aura, Evil (i.e. Towa, Mira, Dabura, etc.)
- 7146 - Boost Loop, Villainous, without glow
- 7147 - Ki Charge, Villainous, without glow
- 7228 - Henshin Aura, Red (i.e. Raditz, Nappa, Turles, etc.)
- 7316 - Henshin Aura, Goku Black
- 7337 - Henshin Aura, Golden Blue (Blue Kaioken, only gold on the inside, blue on the outside)
- 7340 - Boost Start, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7341 - Boost Loop, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7342 - Boost End, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7343 - Ki Charging, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7344 - Ki Charge Max, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7346 - Henshin Aura, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7348 - Henshin End, Super Saiyan Rage
- 7349 - Henshin Aura, Super Saiyan Green
- 7705 - Henshin Aura, Dimensional Villainous, without glow (aura when expert bosses draw power from dark crystals)
- 7735 - Valkyrie Aura (green Super Saiyan Rage Aura)
- 7736 - Ultra Instinct, Blue
- 7737 - Merged Zamasu Aura
- 7738 - Henshin Aura, Fenrir Awoken
- 7739 - Boost Loop, Fenrir Awoken
- 7740 - Ultra Instinct, Green
- 7741 - Ultra Instinct, Magenta
- 7742 - Ultra Instinct, Orange/Fire
- 7743 - Ultra Instinct, Pink
- 7744 - Ultra Instinct, Red
- 7745 - Ki Charge, Fenrir Awoken
- 7912 - Henshin Aura, Golden Form Kaioken
- 7913 - Henshin Aura, SSGSS 2 (Edited SSGSS with electricity sparks)
- 7914 - Henshin Aura, Deformed Deity (With Rainbow Aura) (Based on Corrupt Merged Zamasu)
- 7915 - Henshin Aura, Deformed Deity (w/o Rainbow Aura) (Based on Corrupt Merged Zamasu)
- 7916 - Henshin Aura, Saiyan Beyond God
- 7917 - Henshin Aura, Super Saiyan Rosé 4
- 7918 - Henshin Aura, Limit Breaker (Based on UI Goku Promo)
Run the EXE.
V1.0: Release V1.1: Raze Devastator Installer version V1.2: Update for DLC 9 V1.3: Grinns Update for Installer
for any one who is having trouble with the installer being out of date…
all you have to do is copy the working version of LB’s mod installer from his new transformations mod..
then paste it in the location where the aura installer for the pride troopers aura is.
then copy the name of the pride troopers aura installer. (not the .exe part just the nomenclature before the file type)
then delete that installer that you just copied the name of.
then rename the LB’s mod installer to the name of the pride troopers installer you deleted.
presto change-O problem solved!
i confirm it works he means that you copy the new trasnformation exe and paste it in the folder that has the prid trooper installer and installer info
and copy the trooper installer name which is Pride Troopers Aura Pack Installer and delete the Pride Troopers Aura Pack Installer then rename the lb new trasnformation to the name that you copied and it works
this also works on any aura installer that has that paragraph long erroe
Sorry if this issue was already solved, but whenever I try to install the mod through the installer, I still get this error “System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetStringSize(List`1 bytes, Int32 index)
at Xv2CoreLib.StringEx.GetString(List`1 bytes, Int32 index, Boolean useNullText, EncodingType encodingType, Int32 maxSize, Boolean useNullTerminator)
at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.GetSkillEntries(Int32 count, Int32 offset)
at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser.Parse()
at Xv2CoreLib.CUS.Parser..ctor(Byte[] _bytes)
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFileFromGame(String path, Xv2FileIO fileIO, Boolean onlyFromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW.GetParsedFile[T](String path, Boolean fromCpk, Boolean raiseEx)
at LB_Mod_Installer.Installer.Install_NEW..ctor(InstallerXml _installerXml, ZipReader _zipManager, MainWindow parent, Xv2FileIO fileIO, FileCacheManager _fileManager)
at LB_Mod_Installer.MainWindow.d__76.MoveNext()” for some odd reason. I dealt with this error before the update of the installer, and I never really did anything different instead of running the installer exe and clicking install. I do apologize if this is something on my end, thanks for this update.
I also forgot to mention that I’m running XV2 version 1.20.1
You can ignore this whole comment as I don’t think there is any solution towards this issue and just rather wait for another update
have you found a fix to this yet
how the hell do i uninstall this? when I install this mod, it literally makes me unable to uninstall another aura mod. How did it not ONCE cross your mind that you should add an option to uninstall?
how do i uninstall this
game crashes when I enter a fight
How can i get ”Henshin Aura” to work on a character?, because in the characreate I don’t see where I need to put that number exacly
how to install?
I wanna uninstall it but there is no option to do so on the installer.
How to uninstall this?