Yamcha’s Resolve!? (What if Parallel Quest)

Yamcha's Resolve!? - (What If Parallel Quest)
During the three years the Dragon Team train to battle the Androids, Vegeta lives at Capsule Corporation and spends some time with Bulma. Yamcha believes that Vegeta is trying to steal Bulma away from him and challenges him to a battle. If Yamcha wins, Vegeta must stay away from Bulma!?
Win Conditions
-Defeat Vegeta and Trunks
-Clear with Yamcha's Health over 50%
-Defeat revived Vegeta and Trunks
Lose Conditions
-All team HP depleted
-Yamcha is defeated
-Time Expires
No DLC required
Game must have at least be updated to DLC 1 Pack - Patch 1.05 (20th December 2016)
Check the changelog for the most up to date version for this mod
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X2M File
DBXV2 X2M INSTALLER - This method is specifically for "X2M" files. To use this method, you simply acquire the X2M Installer, run it, select an X2M File (which you would download from its respective mod page), select "Install" and bam, the Mod is now added to your game. You can also easily uninstall X2M characters via the same X2M Installer program.
Then run your game and it should be in the New Parallel Quests menu on the bottom.
If it still doesn't appear go into the save editor
Load your save file
Go to the Quests tab
Then go parallel quest tab
Either click unlock all (revealing every quest) or scroll down till you see this quest and unlock it
Enjoy!! :)
Version 1
Beta/Early access Patrons
Version 1.0
Official Public Release
the Yamcha is good, what if it could
combines released potential with kaioken
ssjMartin! Thanks for your comment, I am currently updating this quest as we speak so stay tuned! 🙂
it doesnt show up…
What do you mean?
Its not showing for me either does it work with revamp?
it should work with revamp must be colliding with another mod? try a clean install?
if its not under the new pqs it might be under 4 star quests? lmk
If it still doesn’t appear go into the save editor
Load your save file
Go to the Quests tab
Then go parallel quest tab
Either click unlock all (revealing every quest) or scroll down till you see this quest and unlock it
Enjoy!! 🙂
Yamcha centered PQ is a total win for me
Thanks man hope you enjoyed! 🙂