Z Graphics – ReShade Preset | Revion Srg

Hey, I was just playing with ReShade and created this awesome Shading. It makes bright things even brighter and gives them a good blur, but not too much, some good flares, as well as some good contrasts and more!
If you wanna see the difference by yourself, press ingame and you're good to go
Expect some FPS Drops!
Also turn off your Motion Blur, Glare Level, Depth of Field and FXAA to achieve the same results like above
Looks great with H-Graphics!
Btw, Hyperbolic Time Chamber could be too bright
My other ReShade preset: http://videogamemods.com/xenoverse/mods/xenoverse-to-xenoverse-2-reshade-preset-revion-srg/
Credits & Thanks to
ReShade by Crosire
Master Effect by Marty McFly
My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJluXweVLdiK5Bn09BZq0BA
Easy to install and deinstall!
To install it u just need to simply drag all the files inside the Z Graphics folder into the DBXV main Folder!
Recommended: If you already have a preset installed delete/move the previous one before installing a new one!
2 Versions: the original one and one without the dirt lens