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Gogeta (Transformable)

Gogeta (Transformable)

Part 2 of my new “Transformable” Series!


Here comes Gogeta!


He is available in 4 variants:

Z, DBS, GT and Xeno


He also has 2 Extra Variants:

Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue Evolution!



Special Thanks to:


Expanded Team for permission to let me use all the Expanded assets used in this mod!

Revamp Team for the Revamp assets and the permission to use Roster Expansion content!

Mitchell4TheWin for the amazing Artwork + CSS lines for GT and Xeno Gogeta!

Unleashed for the permission to use his skills!

Grinns for the permission to use his Awoken skills!

Anchor for the permission to use his GT Gogeta assets!

Potara for the permission to use his SSBE Gogeta Awoken!



Check out my Twitter for Updates on the Xenoverse community and W.I.P Clips of my mods!

Feel free to join my Discord Server to have fun with the community!

Vegeta (Transformable)

Vegeta (Transformable)

Remember Lazybone’s transformable characters? Yeah this is basically some sort of “Remake” of those.

Vegeta (Transformable) has been made back from scratch with new assets!

He comes in 3 main variations:

DBS Vegeta, GT Vegeta and Xeno Vegeta

There’s also 2 extra variations:

Vegeta (Cell Saga) and Vegeta (Manga)


Special Thanks to everyone who became a part of this mod or who gave me permission to use their assets:

XenoCoffee – Custom Moveset for Super Vegeta!

Kaito Kid (Mankyuu!!) – Armor AO and Model Edits as well as the use of his Super Vegeta mod and the Saiyan Showdown mod!

Unleashed – Super Saiyan Blue Awoken/Final Shining Strike/Destructive Will

Grinns – Super Saiyan 4 Awoken/Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker Awoken/Ultra Ego Awoken

TCG Cardcast – Ultra Ego Vegeta Assets!

Gamerchief – Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta Face and Hair models

Revamp Team – Revamp Assets and Add-On Resources!


Known issues:

– Within the Awoken Animation of SSJ4 Vegeta the facial animations randomly glitch out sometimes.


– Destructive Shield has missing effects but still works properly


– Final Explosion effects sometimes stay after finishing the skill execution. Block to fix the issue (Base Game issue)


Feel free to join my Discord Server to have fun with the community!

Xeno Gogeta SSJ4LB (New Design)

Xeno Gogeta SSJ4LB (New Design)

New design is just lovely ngl so I had to do it

Credits goes too Deez, Unleashed, Kristal and Solomon Edge

I have permission to use all assets

Goku’s new super saiyan 4

Goku’s new super saiyan 4


Super Saiyan 4 >> Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker >> Super Saiyan 4 Supreme Limit Breaker

Thanks to Unleashed, FarKnight, PickleSquare, Dragneel And everyone for letting us use your assets

This mod was made by me & EC7

I have permission to use all assets.

Discord –

Beyond the limits! Gogeta: Xeno! (Base-SSJ-SSJ2-SSJ3-SSJ4-SSJ4LB)

Beyond the limits! Gogeta: Xeno! (Base-SSJ-SSJ2-SSJ3-SSJ4-SSJ4LB)

This is an updated version of the Gogeta from this pack: I will not be updating the Vegito as for the most part he’s just SSB Vegito with a different aura. Limit Breaker is now also included, but PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS PROPERLY TO ENSURE THAT LIMIT BREAKER IS PRESENT.
Included is:

1 Character Mod – Gogeta: Xeno (Base-SSJ-SSJ2-SSJ3-SSJ4-SFPSJ4LB)

This mod contains 0 assets or files from Expanded Team’s Alpha Pack 2, and will not function without that having been previously installed. This mod acts as sort of an addon to that mod, but is not affiliated with Expanded Team in anyway. You can find Alpha Pack 2 here:

Hiruma – For letting me use their Base Gogeta: Xeno base form bust. Check them out here:

Revamp Team – For providing the assets for the rest of Gogeta: Xeno. Check them out here:

Expanded Team – For allowing me to create this mod as a sort of addon to their Alpha Pack 2

Grinns – Thank you to Grinns for their SSJ1-SSJ4LB awoken skill:

The Citadel – Thank you for the assistance. Join their discord here:


Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker for Cac

Super Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker for Cac

After 2 years that the ssj4lb existed, I made an anime version (Inspired By Zaiko-Shen)
Thanks – Zaiko-Shen for letting me use his ssj4lb aura

You must have newlazybones transformation installer for this to work!


x10 Silver Dragon Flash

x10 Silver Dragon Flash

Red recolor of Silver Dragon Flash.
The move costs 9 ki bars so if you don’t have 9 you can make you’re own super soul so you’ll get 10 ki bars

Credit to Unleashed for the original skill –

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