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Another Sword Moveset SYM only

Another Sword Moveset SYM only

This is a moveset that works with sword, like in this mod
I recommend that you use the swords from this mod to make it work properly; Originally, this mod was on my patreon, but I think it’s time to upload it here.

This moveset has tail support, SSJ3 stance, and ki charge, it also has other additions, like two grabs and so on, the ki charge is activated with Guard + Heavy.

Thanks to SSaynt for letting me use his effects installer to make this work well.

(this moveset is totally with vanilla resources, VFX sound and so on, so, I don’t have to have so many permissions as I know)


Este es un moveset que funciona con espada, como en este mod
Recomiendo que usen las espadas de este mod para que este adecuadamente; Originalmente, este mod estaba en mi patreon, pero creo que es hora de subirlo aqui

Este moveset tiene soporte de cola, SSJ3 stance, Y carga de ki, tambien tiene otros agregados mas, como dos grabs y asi, la carga de ki se activa con Guard + Heavy

Gracias a SSaynt Por dejarme usar su instalador de efectos para que esto funcione bien

(este moveset es totalemente con recursos vanilla, VFX sound y demas, asi que, no tengo que tener tantos permisos como se)


Sword Movesets for SYM and HUM CaC (SWORD SHOULD FIT IN HAND) 1.2

Sword Movesets for SYM and HUM CaC (SWORD SHOULD FIT IN HAND) 1.2

Hey Yall, Its been 3 bloody years.. Anyway What I’m about to put here is in the readme anyway..

Ive had these edited animations for quite some time now and thought its a good time to give them out just for using Tapions/Trunks Moveset or use the animations as a Moveset resourse.
As you can see the sword actually fits in your CaC’s Hand. Amazing I know! The swords that use a sheath, should not clip if you follow the install instructions. I have also tested every height/weight and the sword should not clip!

Install instructions:

1 – Install what attacks you want to use. (Just install all of them)

2 – Install what Sword you want to use. (Just install all of them)

3 – Install one of the movesets.

4 – Install Effects Installer. (This is used for to get the sword effects. If it says ”reinstall” Just do it)

Hopefully you shouldn’t have any problems.

I had to replace the back hit for Trunks/Tapion as the animation would always mess up when exporting. Sorry about that! I replaced it with UI Goku’s back hit.

PS. I have not tested these attacks on a x2m character, so good luck with that
I will try and make sword animations fit in the hand for SYF next.. Maybe..
I also might add more supers/alts and swords in the future.

If you do decide to use the Movesets in your own movesets, You only need to Credit me! Thanx.

Rastaman for the sword esk
Unleashed for the amazing sword attacks! (I just edited the animations on these attacks to work with a real sword and not a Ki sword)

Watch the Youtube video to see how it looks in game! Have fun!



Janemba (Xeno)

Janemba (Xeno)

Janemba (Xeno) from Dragon Ball Heroes.

This was actually a project I started way back in 2019, but scrapped due to it not being of a quality that I deemed releasable. Thankfully, my skills have progressed and I have gone back to finish what I started!

Comes with two presets:

.Janemba with the Dark Dragon Ball

.Janemba without the Dark Dragon Ball


The moveset is basically the same as vanilla Janemba aside from the heavy attacks which were changed to utilise the sword more.


Three custom skills:

Ultimate – Savage Dicer

Super – Demonic Slash

Super – Darkness Mixer (Dark Dragon Ball Themed)


Additional Credits

Credit to Brandonator275 for the SFX/sound layout for the Savage Dicer ultimate skill!

Credit to Chadizard for the selection and battle portraits!



Consider following me on Twitter to keep up with my latest projects and WIPS!


Master Sword and Hylian Shield

Master Sword and Hylian Shield

*Update! Any problem regarding this mod is now solved sorry for the inconveniences*

This Mod gives you the Master Sword and Hylian Shield in Dragonball Xenoverse 2.

The Sword has physics and can be used.

*Note!  That you need a moveset with sword support.* 

Example Moveset:

The shield is rigged to b_C_Chest so it is always on your back.


This Mod Includes:

Master Sword (Alone)

Hylian Shield (Alone)

Master Sword and Hylian Shield


Thanks to alfq for helping me bit out on rigging and accessory stuff.


You can use this Mod in your own mods but make sure to credit me please.

Twin Spirit Sword

Twin Spirit Sword

I’m back. Yep. How many years passed?

Twin Spirit Sword skill. Like regular Spirit sword skill but there is another one sword on another hand. Aaand its yellow and got fancy ending animation sequence. Works with all races.

I originally planned to release it within my updated Xeno Vegito, but I decided that I can make better skills for him now, so this is just a sort of test how dual sword skill even will work. Its actually fun to create something when you are not burned out.

Can’t promise make mods often but I’ll try what I can. I got all kinds of cool ideas to try, I just need time for it…

Swordman’s Finale

Swordman’s Finale

Trunks had enough…. Happy new year!


This skill is also usable by CaC

Custom Earthling Revamp [beta]

Custom Earthling Revamp [beta]

This is a revamp of the Earthling Race, since they really got the shorthand of the stick when it came to vanilla game content. This theme for the Earthlings will be similar to that of the Shinobi, in reference to the “Naruto” franchise since Shinobi are (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง.

In totality, meaning by the time it’s fully finished, this mod will include all of the following:

– Custom Super Skills (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them)

– Custom Ultimate Skills (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them)

– Custom Evasive Skills (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them)

– Custom Sound Effects

– Custom Attack Animations

– Custom Movement Animations

– Custom Transformations (Some naruto themed, some may be random but so cool I include them)

This mod is currently an EARLY ACCESS BETA, so expect bugs/glitches. If you notice any, leave a comment on my youtube channel under the associated video, so I can get notified sooner and make the necessary updates.

YouTube Channel Link –

If you have any issues, or notice any bugs, report/contact me in the comments section of my most recent Xenoverse 2 Modding Videos on my YouTube Channel (link provided above). This is so I can get actual notifications since VGM & Nexus haven’t been giving me notifications when people comment.

– Also, if you wish to make specific bug reports, feel free to join my Discord Server @ and leave a message in the “xv2-mod-support” Channel.

Continue reading “Custom Earthling Revamp [beta]”

Vegito’s Raging Blast Hair

Vegito’s Raging Blast Hair

I’ve never liked the way Vegito’s hair looked in Xenoverse, so I took SSJ2 Goku’s hair but changed the bangs to resemble the look in Raging Blast

Part of another mod I have planned for Vegito

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