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Lightweight Boxing Champ (SYF/HUF moveset)

Lightweight Boxing Champ (SYF/HUF moveset)

I tried out making a kicking moveset, now here’s a boxing one! I tried to make each punch distinct enough so that you know exactly where you are in the combos at just a glance. Also tried to pick the least brawler-like punches I could find so it felt like an real, trained boxer was throwing those punches xD

This one’s compatible with SSJ3, Beast and all that gud stuff. Also should have tail compatibility as everything used allegedly has built-in tail compatibility, but you’ll have to test that yourself as I don’t use them. Sorry.

I’ll be releasing male versions of some of my most recent saiyan movesets. They should work perfectly with human males as well in case you have one of those. After that… something else for the round bois.

Feet Of Fury, another kicking moveset (SYF/HUF)

Feet Of Fury, another kicking moveset (SYF/HUF)

I’ve seen a good number of these around and decided to take a crack at it. I wanted each kick to be distinctive enough so that you know exactly in what part of the combo you are with just a glance, also wanted to sneak in a stamina combo chance in there cuz I honestly like those a lot. Can link them into plenty of melee skills which I also like using a lot.

I wanna see if I can make a nice looking boxing moveset next, so keep your eyes peeled for that one? xD

The moveset is beast, SSJ3 and tail compatible. Or should be tail compatible as everything used in it has built-in tail compatibility, but you’ll have to test it as I don’t use tails. Sorry.

Brutal Brawler (SYF moveset)

Brutal Brawler (SYF moveset)

Yeah, another brawler moveset for female saiyans… I mean, I have “saiyan waifu lover” in my name, I feel this should be expected xD

Anyway, I tried to put emphasis on strong, heavy hits that lead into plenty of stamina breaking opportunities as well as incorporating more punches, and no pretty punches either, lots of big hooks and uppercuts! I wanted to have a good balance of punches and kicks, all of which were taken from actual brawlers in-game like Kefla, Caulifla and so on. Hope you guys like this one!

It’s beast, SSJ 3 and tail compatible as everything I used should have tail compatibility built-in. Emphasis on “should”. I don’t use tails, so. Also! Like I’m guessing every SYF moveset out there, this one’s compatible with HUF, you just have to rename the “SYF” part of the files to “HUF” and put them in th appropriate folder. Y’know, if you want your human female to throw martial arts out the window and just bust faces!

Wolf Fang Style (SYF/HUF moveset)

Wolf Fang Style (SYF/HUF moveset)

I honestly did this on a whim after I wanted to turn my saiyan waifu into a full-on martial artist. I decided to go with Yamcha’s stance and some of his moves cuz I actually like the guy, though unlike his style this one has a lot more kicks.

It’s compatible with SSJ3 and Beast form, and it should have tail compatibility but I don’t use tails so… Can’t quite guarantee it. I was debating on whether or not upload this one and after thinking about it I just said “why not?” xD Also! I’ve learned how to change the damage numbers on movesets, meaning I now have much more freedom with picking moves to chain together without breaking a moveset’s balance with either too much or too little damage. Yay!

Also, lil’ side note: All of my SYF movesets are also compatible with HUF! You just have to change the “SYF” part of the files’ names to “HUF”, place them in the “HUF” folder and that’s it!

Brawler: Saiyan Female Style

Brawler: Saiyan Female Style

I really liked how that SYM brawler moveset came out, so I went and did a female version! It may have more kicks but they were taken from brawler-like characters and, much like the male version, this is all about staying on the opponent’s face and breaking their face with heavy punches and now a few more kicks!

SSJ3 compatible and should be compatible with tails as everything used has built-in tail compatibility, but I can’t guarantee it since I don’t use ’em. Also, fair warning, to link the heavy 4 punch into the light 6 multi kicks properly you have to delay the button input a bit. I showcase it in the video.

UPDATE: please check the changelog

Personal SYF moveset

Personal SYF moveset

This is a moveset I did after I found out how to mess around with Yamoveset organizer. Uses GT Goku’s moveset as a base.

Nothing too crazy, but I think it’s pretty fun to use so if anyone’s looking for something different but not filled to the brim with skills in place of regular attacks and trillions of damage, feel free to use this! It is SSJ3 compatible and should be tail compatible as everything I used had tail compatibility already built-in, however I don’t use tails for my saiyan character so I can’t give you a 100% answer there.

UPDATE: I made some small changes to the moveset, the files have been added as a separate download. Changes made in the changelog



SUPER HERO GI FOR CACS [HUM/SYM-HUF/SYF] – A small request made, I hope you all like it!


My Discord: StyleGogeTa (João)#4860
If you know me and like my mods consider supporting me on my Patreon 😀

Dark Shenron Manifestation

Dark Shenron Manifestation

Do you want to support me? =

Showcase =—Shadow-Dragon-Manifestation:b


This is a transformation skill for SYF. It functions like SSG and gives you Shenron’s spikes.

– God transformation changes comboset into God power-up state

– Basic transformation doesn’t change the comboset

Also contains just the outfit itself as purchasable bust part. Speaking of, the Shenron spikes were made on a pride trooper skeleton, however different heights can have the spikes spawn at slightly further locations than expected. Still can be mixed and matched, but not with everything.


– eternity for his tools

Saiyaranger Suit HUM HUF SYM SYF

Saiyaranger Suit HUM HUF SYM SYF

In light of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero and its upcoming DLC for Xenoverse 2, I present to you: the Saiyaranger Suit! Or if Gohan had better fashion sense as the Great Saiyaman /s.

I kept the color scheme similar to Saiyaman’s but went for something a little less gaudy, trying to capture the element of a modern-age hero. In addition, alternate colorable variants are provided- both are for HUM, HUF, SYM, and SYF only.

Feel free to use with other mods, but please give credit.  Enjoy!

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