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Animated Tail for Female Majins 2k22

Updated version for my animated tail for Mafs mod. Mafs don't have the facial animation bugs anymore and it is way easier to install (unistall) the mod using lazy bone installer , it doesn't replace anything, adding a new ear + tail to chara creator and keeping your default main bcs file untouched. I highly recommend Free Wishes Mod by Atsu if you don't want to create a new Female Majin, you'll be free to change your character anytime you want!

Unistall any oldder version, double click to run the .exe file and select your game location.

v1.0 --> Initial Release

v2.0 -->> Now it takes the color from the bust part , fixing the makeup color issue

v3.0-->> Its part of Majin Race now!

v4.0 --> Fixed the tail going black/red at low hp

v5.0--->> Updated version (installer, fixed facial animations bugs)

v6.0--->> Updated version (installer, fixed facial animations bugs+ all vanilla's ears added)

  • 140Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
13.06 MB
February 20, 2022


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  1. This mod is really cool and I love using it. Although sometimes whenever I boot up the game again the tail isn’t there anymore. Is there anything I can do to fix this besides using the installer constantly? Is there anyway I can just manually replace the files themself?

  2. This mod is awesome. The tail wasn’t showing at first but I found placed in with the ears at the bottom of the ear list. As for animations this one comes with tail animations meaning if you install any moveset that has no tail animations your tail will be stiff. The mod author remade the OG MAF moveset to have tail support so using any moveset that doesn’t have tail support will make the tail stiff.

  3. Im having a bug where my majin is a bit of a jumbled mess when in the character select screen(where you choose your custom characters when starting the game) and when you go into the customization screen where you equip your constumes and stuff. I did just recently update the game so im not sure if its related

  4. Is there an issue with the LazyBones Launcher installing stuff? I’ve tried to download a saiyan tail mod and this mod but neither one of them seemed to work. The launcher says the mod is successfully installed yet when I launch the game there’s nothing different. Any assistance would be great.

  5. Mod works perfectly. For those who already have a character created, you need to change the appearance and choose the EARS that have the tail. The author even indicated free wishes mod to change the appearance.

  6. hey ik its not the mod that cause it i uninstalled and it still happened so idk whats doing it but everytime i pick female majin its stuck on the loading like i just made one and can’t get in the game any idea how to fix it cause this is one of the only mods i got for majin this and hair styles

  7. Hi there! I noticed a little issue with the mod.
    When I have it on one of the character’s eyes (right one from character’s perspective) gets stretched a lot.
    Is it because I’m only adding the ESK and EAN files?
    Do I have to also add the face models?

    1. Having the same issue as above. It’s fine if you install the forehead models, but the issue is I use a custom forehead mesh I made for my majin.

      How do I go about updating my custom face_forehead to avoid this issue?

  • 140Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
13.06 MB
February 20, 2022

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