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LAZYBONE Auras Variant Pack

Decided not to wait for the patcher lmaooo Here i have the pack ready and available before the patcher is updated. Until then im not sure if Broly's new ID will be affected. Also this pack will be waiting on the new Ultra SuperVillain to come out for the patcher before i update it for that as well.

In this pack you have an option to choose which style of super saiyan 4 you would like for the vanilla characters. Whether you choose Red (Vanilla) or the GT Yellow Super Saiyan 4 Style will be entirely up to the user.

Lazybone pack is considered an open resource. However i will still mention the mod here along with his name. Thank you for the generosity given to the community!

Drag and drop contents somewhere safe! Run the installation and choose which Super Saiyan 4 style you wanna run!

UPDATE 1: Some auras have been added to the roster such as the Berserk states and the Legendary Super Saiyan states.

Some auras have been edited for the inside to be more vivid and more color detailed.

FULL POWER SUPER SAIYAN 4's ID has been changed.

TOPPO and Super Saiyan Rose 2 have been fixed.

Deez Mods Only
  • 23Mods
  • 122Followers

File size
51.66 MB
June 8, 2024


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  1. Omg this is almost perfect!
    Some aura’s doesnt match the character such as Broly tho…

    Other than that, they are nearly perfect. I wonder however if it would be possible you actually make them identical to how they look in the anime? I mean, they only glow far from the body. Its clear and almost transparent inside the aura closer to the body. Looks carefuly specially during the Majin Vegeta vs SSj2 Goku fight.

  2. I love it sir, unfortunately I found a problem. Occasionally the screen turns black for a few seconds when changing maps or using an ultimate skill (for example X4 Kaioken Kamehameha). By the way, I only have 1 mod active. Grinns Transformations.

  3. i haven’t tested everything yet, but tentatively, you can make these compatible with Revamp 5.0–but you’re gonna wanna backup your DB Xenoverse 2\data\vfx folder first.
    if you go inside the vfx folder, there’s another folder called cmn, and inside the cmn folder are 3 eepk files. BTL_Aura.eepk, BTL_CMN.eepk, and BTL_KDN.eepk. you wanna open them one at at time in eepk organizer, hit the “Tool” tab at the top, select “Optimize Textures”, then save & exit eepk organizer. after that’s done, install Deez Mods auras like you normally would, and you’re ready to go. Deez Auras will replace most of the roster and CaC transformations, and anyone whose aura would’ve been missing (like Ultra Ego Vegeta or Black Janemba) will just retain their Revamp aura.

  4. i installed and for some reason it put my base ki as the god blue instead ofthe wahite base chosen in the installer? i have no other aura mods im using it in conjunction with new transformations with no auras installed

  5. Yo for some reason when I use your aura and I do SS4 red it makes the tail do a funnky ass rubber band effect on the screen. Not a huge deal just thought you should know. Also how do I get base white aura on CaC

  6. hey man ! i don’t understand how it works. i opened the .exe file and choose the good path for the game directory and install all the auras following the steps of the installer. But when i open my game to test the mod the auras are the same as vanilla. Do i have to activate something to make the mod work ? if you can explain to me how to install it pls… thanks

  7. First off PEAK!!!

    Sparkles, lightning, and displays power without hiding any of the model’s details.

    Second off just an idea but would love some more mods with custom auras, like a rainbow aura, black and white aura, or just more auras that are kinda double layers like blue kaioken.

  8. I had to log in to tell you, you did it again, every, single, TIME, every time im looking for a new aura mod to try your always on point, and these auras are fire, I forgot that lazybone had auras in the installer, good work deez.

Deez Mods Only
  • 23Mods
  • 122Followers

File size
51.66 MB
June 8, 2024

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