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Namekian Evolution : Super > Awakened > Orange for CAC (NMC)


VampireKiller666 est de retour avec un nouveau mod de derrière les fagots qui cette fois met à l'honneur le peuple Namek et son plus célèbre représentant Piccolo, en vous donnant accès aux même pouvoirs que ce dernier dans le film DBS : Super Hero !

Et je me permet de devancer les sceptiques/paranoïaques planqués dans l'ombre et la réponse est NON : je n'ai pas volé le mod "Power Awakening Awoken Skill (CAC)" de SNX pour créer celui-ci, ôtez-vous ça de la tête !

En revanche, c'est bien grâce à lui que j'ai découverts les nouvelles fonctionnalités ajoutées au logiciel xv2skilcreat.exe par son créateur Eternity (qu'on ne présente plus maintenant, car c'est tout simplement LE mec qui a rendu possible le modding sur DBXV1 et 2 ; c'est un peu lui le PAPA) et que j'ai utilisé pour créer ce mod, et rien que pour ça, je tenais à le remercier.

Fonctionnalités parmi lesquelles on retrouve maintenant la possibilité de changer la couleur de la peau des personnages quand ils se transforment, et qu'SNX et moi-même avons donc utilisés pour nos mods respectifs.

Au pire, vous pourrez dire que j'ai copier le mod d'SNX en utilisant les même couleurs que lui pour la forme Awakened, pour l'aura et l'animation (même si pour moi, il s'agit de la version améliorée de Lazybone) ; mais vous ne pourrez pas dire que je lui ai volé son mod parce que c'est pas vrai !

Je me suis inspiré de son travail pour créer mon propre mod, mais je n'ai jamais réutiliser aucuns de ses fichiers sans son accord, et ne me suis servis que des ressources de base du jeu, ainsi que des outils de modding créés par Eternity et des animations créées par Lazybone, alors ne venez pas m'embêtez, parce que je n'ai rien à me reprocher, que vous le compreniez ou non !

Voilà, le disclaimer c'est fait, maintenant on peut continuer, même si je n'ai pas grand chose d'autre à ajouter, si ce n'est que ce mod ajoute 3 nouvelles transformations à votre CAC Namek, à savoir le Super Namek, le Potentiel Éveillé, et la forme Orange, toutes utilisées par Piccolo dans le film DBS : Super Hero (même si dans le cas du Super Namek, ça correspond plus à son état de base car Piccolo est déjà un Super Namek...) !

Voilà, vous savez tout, à présent c'est à vous de vous amuser avec ce mod et de montrer à vos ennemis la fierté du peuple Namek et sa puissance cachée qui n'attend que d'être déchainée !


Bien sur, il va de soit qu'il vous faudra d'abord installer le mod "New Transformations (Added Skills)" de Lazybone avant d'installer le mien pour pouvoir l'utiliser, car sinon le mod ne fonctionnera pas, les animations ne marcheront pas, et le jeu plantera.

Cependant, il n'est pas nécessaire d'installer les auras de Lazybone pendant l'opération car mon mod n'utilise que les auras Vanilla.




VampireKiller666 is back with a new awesome mod which this time highlights the Namek race and their most famous member Piccolo, by giving you access to his same powers in the DBS: Super Hero movie !

And I allow myself to forestall the skeptics/paranoids hiding in the shadows and the answer is NO : I did not steal the “Power Awakening Awoken Skill (CAC)” mod from SNX to create this one, get that out of your mind !

However, it's thanks to him that I discovered the new features added to the xv2skilcreat.exe software by its creator Eternity (which we no longer present, since he is quite simply THE guy who made possible all modding on DBXV1 and 2 ; he is a bit like the DAD) that i used to create that mod, and just for that, I want to thank him.

Features among which we now find the possibility of changing the characters' skin colors when they transform, and which SNX and I have therefore used for our respectives mods.

At worst, you can say that I copied SNX mod by using the same colors as him for the Awakened form, it's aura and animation (even if for me, it's the improved version made by Lazybone) ; but you cannot say that I stole his mod because that's not true !

I was inspired by his work to create my own mod, but I never reused any of his files without his consent, and only used the basic resources of the game, as well as the modding tools created by Eternity and the animations created by Lazybone, so do not bother me, because I didn't do anything wrong, whatever you understand it or not !

That's it, disclaimer's done, now we can continue, even if I don't have much else to add, except that this mod adds 3 new transformations to your Namekian CAC, namely the Super Namekian, the Awakened Potential, and the Orange form, all used by Piccolo in the DBS: Super Hero movie (even if for Super Namekian, it's more to his base state because Piccolo is already a Super Namekian... ) !

That's it, you know everything, now it's up to you to have fun with this mod and show your enemies the Namekian people's Pride and their hidden power just waiting to be unleashed !


Of course, you'll need to install Lazybone's "New Transformations (Added Skills)" mod before installing mine to be able to use it, because if not, the mod will break, the animations not work , and the game crash.

However, there is no need to install Lazybone's auras during the process because my mod only uses Vanilla auras.

Pour l'installation, utilisez l'installeur d'Eternity.

ATTENTION : installez d'abord le mod "New Transformations" de Lazybone car il est indispensable au bon fonctionnement de mon mod, et ensuite seulement le mod lui-même !


For the installation, use the Eternity installer.

CAUTION : first install Lazybone's "New Transformations" mod because it's essential for my mod to work properly, and only then the mod itself !

V1 (FR) :

  • Publication

V1 (EN) :

  • Release
  • 18Mods
  • 6Followers

Credit given to modders
Lazybone (for the animations)
April 29, 2024


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  1. Thanks man, this worked like a charm. I did edit some things, and changed partset of the embedded costume to look more like my CAC’s(he has a crack on his head).

    Before Eternity updated it, we had to change the entire the entire model to change the skin, this is so much better.

    1. it comes from the BCS part which adds the muscles of the Orange form.
      This error message means that another installed mod uses the same BCS and/or uses the same functionality.
      Have you installed any mods that increase muscle size after transformation?
      If so, uninstall them and try again.

        1. This error is not limited to mods that modifies Namekians, you need to check ALL the mods you have installed, and see which one is causing that problem.
          You didn’t thought it would be so simple ?
          But don’t worry, I was fooled the first time too.
          So do it again, and this time pay close attention to ALL your mods, not just the Namekian ones !

    1. Parfaitement normal, il aurait Ă©tĂ© impossible de crĂ©er une version de cette marque adaptĂ©e Ă  toute les tenues du jeu et qui en plus change en fonction de celles-ci, et mĂŞme si c’Ă©tait faisable, ça requiert un niveau en modding que je ne possède pas ; car je suis bon, mais je ne suis pas excellent.

      1. Sorry to contradict you, but I just re-downloaded my own mod, did like you by opening it with “xv2skilcreat.exe”, and for my part, it works perfectly !

        Have you tried again with the latest versions of the Eternity software, maybe that’s where the problem comes from ?

        1. I even tried downloading other newly uploaded skills like the super saiyan 6 and the super spirit bomb skill pack, and then opened them in skill creator, they all work fine. its just this namekian mod that doesn’t work and gives the error.

        2. I finally got it to work. I had an idea and I tried sending the x2m file to my brother’s computer via discord, then had him try opening it in his skill creator, it worked, so then I had him change the id on the skill then resave it, then had him send me the new x2m to me. then I tried reopening it in skill creator and it actually work, so maybe it was corrupt somehow when it saved or there was an error with the skill id chosen? I honestly have no clue, either way now it works

          1. ok it seems like if it does that error thing apparently sending and downloading the file through discord, it just fixes the problem, i just downloaded the mod and sent the file to myself through discord (thanks to your idea) and then i deleted the file of the mod from my folder, and then reinstalled the mod file from the mod file i sent on discord and used the xv2ins to download it and it just works now, so in a way you basically discovered a fix to this issue, and im glad

  • 18Mods
  • 6Followers

Credit given to modders
Lazybone (for the animations)
April 29, 2024

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