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Super Saiyan 1 to 5

Hey all once again, back at it again so soon! No cool quote to start this one off with lmao


The auras are included in the installer, but I will link the mods that they are from

Lazybones New Transformations link

DK's Dragonborn

The Hair IDs are as follows

Super Saiyan 1 - 297

Super Saiyan 2 - 298

Super Saiyan 3 - 299

Super Saiyan 4 - 256

Super Saiyan 5 - 350

Evil Super Saiyan 5 - 351

So I originally wanted to make a Super Saiyan 1-10 mod but I am very bad at modding so I decided to make something easier lol hence Super Saiyan 1-5

The mod uses resources from different mods, so bare with me as I go through them.

Credit to Grinns for all of their amazing animations that I used for this mod!

Super Saiyan 1-3 by Grinns

Super Saiyan 5 animation

Credit to ChrisLange as well as the entire Revamp Team and Brandonator275 for the sounds

ChrisLange SSG Vegito Transformation

Revamp Link

SSG Vegito Link

Credit to SuperJohnnyGod for his SSJ5 hair that is bundled in with this mod!

Super Johnny God

HUM 004 Hair

Credit to Generic for the Female SSJ5 hair!

Female SSJ5 Hair

Credit to Gecko and FunForDiego for the SSJ5 forehead (the eyeliner lol)

Transformed Faces for CaCs

Aggressive Foreheads for Female CaCs


Thank you everyone for the support I've gotten on my past two mods! It genuinely means a lot and keeps me going when I feel like I've hit a brick wall in terms of modding, thanks once again! If you need any help with anything, please go to The Citadel Discord, you'll get help therer


Then install the x2m


NOTE: If you are reinstalling from a previous version, make sure to uninstall the mod and the BCS Entry otherwise the mod will not update correctly!

V1 - Release

V2 - Changed the ssj5 hair to SuperJohnnyGod's HUM 004 SSJ5 Hair, packaged in the hair differently so now it has a hair id that people can change since people always seem to ask lol

V3 - Added Evil Super Saiyan 5, added Female support for both, made a new installer for everything the mod uses, including the auras for both ssj5's

V4 - Finally fixed the audio cues being silent, sorry for the long delay on that! Changed the eye color to red to match material I've seen

V4.1 - Fixed the installer and added a link to the Citadel Discord

Fluffy Papi CRS
  • 12Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
30.39 MB
Credit given to modders
Fluffy Papi CRS, Grinns, ChrisLange, SuperJohnnyGod, and the Revamp Team!
November 19, 2022


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  1. Can you also make it so that my hair doesn’t change with ssj1 and 2? I have modded hair and everytime I go ssj1 or 2 it just changes to a default hairstyle. With other hair mods, if I use the base game transformation it doesn’t change my hair to a default hair style. I wish I could just go straight to evil ssj5

  2. Is there a way to make it so I can just go straight to evil ssj5? I have enough ki to do it but I have to go through all the other transformations. With the default ssj1-5 you can go straight to ssj5. But with evil you have to go through all of them in order. Can you please fix that or give us an option to go straight to ssj5? Or even let us go ssj according to our ki. If we have 3 bars of ki we go 1, 2 bars we go 2, 5 bars we go 5.

  3. On one game install, I did the procedure properly and it worked as it should. But then on accident I broke the game install and I was forced to clear all the mods. But upon reinstalling this, the mod just does not use the hair or bust transformation IDs. It’s stuck at base form. It only recolors the hairs and changes the aura. What’s going on?

    1. Though I should add that the Evil Super Saiyan 5 variation is actually working fine. SSJ4 is missing the tail though on HUF, and I don’t understand why, but it isn’t related to this mod. It’s probably something I did wrong with the bust ID, I guess. No idea how to solve that either though.

  4. ok hear me out man i cant find an answer to this anywhere.. what if i want ssj5 to have massive honkers? i do not know what the bust id for ssj5 is and because of that i cannot replace it. I WANT BIG TIDDIES ON MY SSJ5 GAWD DAMNIT!! any help would be appreciated i was planning on using the ssj4 mui bust replacer for ssj5 but i can’t figure out the id for the ssj5 bust so im kinda stuck.

    thank you come again!

  5. The sounds broke with 1.16 as did a lot of other mods. I fixed them for this mod. You’re free to include the updates with the mod Fluffy. Made them for personal use but figured other people would like the amazing sounds that grinns made.

    That has a zip file with the two fixed X2Ms. You still need the main mod or it won’t work but sounds will work with the update I made.

Fluffy Papi CRS
  • 12Mods
  • 34Followers

File size
30.39 MB
Credit given to modders
Fluffy Papi CRS, Grinns, ChrisLange, SuperJohnnyGod, and the Revamp Team!
November 19, 2022

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